Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Since I was a little late on going for my L (zambia, exams, camp, and other life things got in the way) my parents decided to get me a few driving lessons recently. Let me take you through the driving journey of Lauren thus far, before we get into lessons...
I got my L early August. Mother took me into the boonies of Peachland and I was taught how to start a car, park, and turn off a car. It was thrilling. And for a month, I was able to drive between my house and the jail...er...middle school. Not much really changed after that, I would take the same roads, avoid any and all intersections, and only knew how to park if pulling up parallel with the curb. One day I decided to be adventurous, take my driving skills to a new level. I took the opportunity to drive, with my mom obviously, out to my friend's Danae house. We got a little lost, and I had to turn around in somebody's driveway. We were way out in nowhere land, and turns out, this person's driveway was along the edge of a cliff. Panic set in as I saw myself heading for the edge of this. Rather than press the brake, which honestly was what I was going for, I accidentally hit the gas. This was not good. Basically I stopped like an inch from the cliff and didn't drive again until February (this all occured in around late october). Even when I began again, it was the same roads, same routines. Finally in May/Juneish I ventured out into the world, and handled some intersections...in my small side of town.
End of July rolled around, and then, I had my first driving lesson. My instructor's a mad man I tell you. Not sure what he was thinking...but our first lesson he takes me through an intersection, then tells me to change lanes (we don't even want to go into how horrible that was) and head across the bridge into Kelowna. From there we parked in every way possible, hit every retardedly complicated intersection, and had some fun in a round-a-bout. Never be a driving instructor, people like me DO exist. Anyway since that lesson I attempted the actual highway, some parking, etc., and I have to say I improved!
And then this morning came.
Second lesson.
First I backed out of the driveway the wrong way after almost forgetting to take the parking brake off. After that we went for a lovely drive into a couple intersections, where I had to ask again and again the rules of turning on reds. We ventured into Kelowna, practicing all the things we'd done before. This left him disappointed and frustrated, and me slightly embarassed and super choked. All of this wouldn't be a problem, I would be okay with my bad driving skills, if it weren't for the fact that I just booked my N test for next Tuesday.


Which means, this next week, is driving boot camp. I am going to drive until my hands second instinct is to hold the wheel/turn the wheel/hit the turning signal...okay you get it. Lots of driving. Lord knows how this will ever happen. Anyway...there wasn't much point in putting this all out on a blog, was there? Well...it helped me de-stress...a little...ugh. Seriously. This N thing has to happen. It just has to. If I fail though, I have to say I won't be too shocked or disappointed, because I'm fully aware it's a long shot. Prayer, anybody?


Blogger white girl said...

You will make it through to the N, don't worry! I believe in you!

The gas pedal instead of the brake trick is one that I've had nightmares about. It happened to me a couple of months ago in real life. A line of cars was stopped in front of me, and as I rushed up on them, I hit the gas instead of the brake. Thankfully, I had enough time to react properly so I didn't smash into anyone. Good grief.

14/8/07 14:34  

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