Monday, January 23, 2006

Banana Mush

Due to much complaint (okay two people) on the last post about my beautiful green font, I won't do that again. Only for the sake of your eyes though.
So it's banana mush day. That means I talk about whatever I feel like and nothing relates to anything else. Okay? Okay. Banana Mush
So I had banana panckes two days in a row and could NOT be happier! If you have not had these before I highly recomend making them. It's really not that hard. You just do the normal pancake batter, and chop up banana and throw it in! Voila! Yum yum in my tum. Then you must listen to the song "Banana Pancakes" by Jack Johnson while you eat them. I recomend butter and/or syrup on them.
So at Lauren's house (where I do school and access lovely internet) the power went out Friday around 11am and didn't come back on until midnight Saturday! Then last night they did load sharing an hour before the football game and in the middle of dinner! Load sharing is where they cut the power in a certain area in the city to save electricy. Luckily it only lasted an hour. But wouldn't you think they saved enough electricity when they had two days without power? Yeeeeah.
Okay I found this funny, and you guys may not, but I do so just listen. My cousin Jonathan comments on here right? Then Jonathan's cousins Michelle and Dawn post on here too, but I've known them since I was born yeah. Then it's like the three of us just rotating comments. I think Brenda drops by here once in a while too, and Brenda would be Jonathan's sister. So then I got thinking...wait a second! What if the comments we get from each other are just sympathy-relative comments!? OH DEAR! But then I thought, how silly is this, I just rambled on for a paragraph about something of no signifigance and probably wasn't very interesting to read and had no meaning. Sweet. But I did find it funny how Michelle made fun of Jonathan for his spelling errors. You rack!
Lauren's African ab workout: how to get fabulous abs after a nice drive down the street!
So I figured out an ab workout to do in the car the other day with the help of a comment from other Lauren. We were sitting in the back of the truck driving down the road, getting tossed around by the numerous potholes. After discussion we found if you squeeze your stomach muscles, straighten your back, and brace your hands at your side, you stay still and get an ab workout! Woowoo! There's how to stay fit and healthy when you come to Africa.
I found another good random bus quote today. "The Chosen One." Apparently that bus is the chosen one, I should go seek guidance from it. I bet it would end up saying I should take that bus everyday and pay double. Then give me some spiked Coke.
COKE! My goodness, Africa gets you frickin addicted to Coke (the drink kids!) I drink so much of it. I never even liked Coke in Canada. But here it's not so sticky and gritty and gross. So I decided no more Coke for a while. Any other African It's one of the few foods that doesn't ever make me sick. And it's just daaaang good. I have it at least once a week, and then I feel gross realizing that...but isn't puking from unusual food even grosser? I thought so too.
Their juice here is reallllly sweet too. It tastes like you're drinking juice straight from those freezer cans, you know? Total concentrate, but it's not. So I pour like a quarter of a glass, then add some soda water or tonic water or just water. Know what else tastes weird? Milk. It's this special "Long-Life" milk. I could always drink milk in Canada, I wasn't one of those people who thought it was gross. I had my first glass of this magical "Long-Life" stuff yesterday, and I gagged and made a decision to never touch the stuff again. I wouldn't recomend ever touching something that's supposed to have an expiry date but for some magical reason is "Long Lasting"
I talked to one of the streek kids on Friday night while I was waiting for a ride home from the restaurant. He was one of the nicest boys I have ever talked to, he didn't even ask for money, he just wanted to know if I'd be his friend. And not even one with benefits. Besides that it's sad so I don't feel like going into detail.
I like monkeys.
I think my next post will contain pictures I've taken so far, unless something incredibly interesting comes up (highly doubted)


Blogger ...Jillie... said...

Banana pancakes are simply fab.. Lauren.. i have to tell you that i appreciate you writing all the nonsense that is on your mind.. caues I AM thinking it all the time but am waaaaay too lazy to actually type it out.. like the whole sympathy-relative thing.. TOTALLY does exist but for your circumstance i think it is real. But good real! Yes.. enough word vomit blabber from me. And NO i am NO simpathy responder.. I am just your faithful blog personel. Crazy things.. those people who dont like milk.. honestly i drink it straight form the jug (don't tell my mama.. but i do sometimes lol).. but i can see the uncertanty with the "no expire date type milk" that could be pretty rank if you dont watch out. ANYWAYS> you have a nice day!

23/1/06 20:55  
Blogger white girl said...

Thank you for the colour change! SO much easier on these old eyes of mine. hehe

I'm totally going to try that banana pancake thing! Sounds so good.

And I don't think of my comments as pity comments because I'm related to you.. well, sort of related to you... we have the same cousins. We are connected. Anyway, I don't feel obligated by family ties to comment. I comment because I always have to have the last word! And I like the sound of my own voice, even if it's just inside my head while I'm typing.

Oh, and my dad said that he'd like it if you could make it that non-bloggers could comment so that he could comment on your blog. I'm supposed to tell J that too.

24/1/06 07:57  
Blogger AfterVerner said...

If I could cook I'd fully try those panckaes of banana that you and everyone else says is excellent. You seem to be having some pretty amazing adventures over there eh? discovering new workouts and differences in food...splendid. Always good fun...laterdays

24/1/06 18:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am so glad that I can now make comments on your blog as well. That is why I don't have a blog myself, it takes me so much time making comments I don't have time to blog! I am looking forward to some pictures of your adventures. Well ok, even pictures of where you are and what you are up to would be fine. I sense some of your adventures are fictional. LOL :)

25/1/06 09:34  
Blogger Michelle said...

Hey there. I don't comment on here out of sympathy. I like reading your blog and I know that I like comments so I'm sure everyone else must like them too. Now that you've opened your blog for the comments of those without blogs...aka my can expect him to harass you about posting regularly. My blog was out of order for just over a week and I was getting PHONE CALLS from my dad asking for an update on my blog. haha. It's fun to get comments though, So I will be faithful.
Bananna Pancakes, never tried them myself, but I will have to give them a try. I know at the Humpty's here in town they have a breakfast that's called the bananaramma and it's a pancake wrapped around a banana. The picture always freaks me out. But I think it would be better if the banana was cut up. Is this where you got your blog name?

25/1/06 13:05  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waffle, I agree whole heartedly about the Banana Pancakes, and I am intrigued by the thought of Jack Johnson and Banana Pancakes, so right now the handy dandy In Between Dreams CD is in and pancake batter shall be made (I kid you not) Keep posting, keep eating pancakes (which are really waffles in disguise) and start taking lots of pictures!!! LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!! and as always missing the syrupy old days!!!

27/1/06 16:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

may the potus be with you

29/1/06 10:28  

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