Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Living the High School Life

Alright I suppose it's about update time? Sorry to report no fires, earthquakes, pregnant teachers, or school scandal. Dang. Now, you, what is left of my audience, must listen to my droning on about school. Do not fear! It will sound interesting...

Bio class thus far - I really get frustrated with this teacher. It's a student teacher actually. You see each class when she is teaching us she will honestly ask us about every single vocabulary term, each theory, and every other thing you could think of. Why is this so frustrating? Well, seeing as how nobody in that class is repeating Biology 11, we do not know the answer! What then is the point in constantly pestering us about answers when clearly we will not have an answer for you! The reply can be predicted each and every time as: a blank stare, uncomfortable silence, and completely wasted time. My. Gosh. I do understand she is still a student teacher, therefore still learning, but please try and pick up on how this is a great way to lose a 16 year old's attention! Funny story from Bio - sitting there today...talking about evolution and giraffe necks or something like that, when all of a sudden this white dust is blowing down from the roof and ALL OVER ME. Oh sorry, what was I wearing? A black shirt. Somebody finally fixed the air conditioner I suppose, and since the vents hadn't been used in months, all that build up of disgustingness was blown all over me. EW.

Math class - Um, does anybody honestly know what goes on in that class? I remember things about calculators, some worksheets, pencil marks. Why is this my "let's zone out" class? Well after last year's predicament after predicament in principle's honors math, I said enough was enough and transfered over to (drum roll...) (that wasn't good enough, another drum rol....okay) APPLIED 11! Yaaay. In other words I understand everything, yet nobody else does, so it takes a million minutes to explain the simplest of questions. Funny Math story - um, funny and math don't mix.

English class - Lord of the Flies. I just sudied it in like March. GAH! Great book, brilliantly written, but too much of a good thing. Unfortunately I can't just skim chapters because I want to do well on the quizzes we have after reading each chapter. Dang hey? Oh well. We were analyzing poetry the other day, which I hate. Personally I feel poetry is not meant to be analyzed, simply to express a feeling. Then each person who reads the poem can have their own interpretation of the piece of writing because, it is a creative piece, and not written to be interpreted in one way! There is no right or wrong in poetry. Funny English story - basically the entire class. I just have a great teacher, great classmates, and a great time (probably because it's my fave subject).

Spare - I have realized something. Spares really are only useful at the end and begining of days. When you have super spare (when you have break, then spare, then lunch), actually any spare in the middle of the day, it is useless, boring, and lonely unless you have a car. Or friends. Hah! Okay lying, I have friends, just not in my 8th period spare.

Well that's all kids...
Something, please, make my life exciting.


Blogger AfterVerner said...

exciting eh? Well...maybe I think math is exciting, so I'll tell you to go do math.

I don't think math is exciting.

I don't think I've been excited for a long time actually. Well, a couple weeks. But something fun to do...Look up funny places in atlases. hmm...that doesn't look right. And make sure you have friends with you. The capital of Bokina is Ouaga Douguou...or something said like that. Chow.

13/9/06 21:39  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only way to make Math fun is to tell a funny joke during class!
Such as....Ask the teacher if he/she has heard your calculator joke?

Not responsible for any negative feedback this may produce. User accepts full responsibility for the outcome of this joke!

14/9/06 08:33  
Blogger Michelle said...

Way to cover yourself dad. I loved math, but I was/am a nerd so that figures. Why don't you talk to your Bio student teacher. Tell her that she's losing your interest and maybe give her some suggestions on what would keep your attention. If she's a good student teacher she'll be open to suggestions. :)

15/9/06 23:15  

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