Wednesday, May 14, 2008


So...I wrote this post about how things weren't exactly working out, most things, but it was okay because it doesn't get me down, because there's always something else that will work out, but then society tells me it's not what I want and it's not okay.
Basically I came to the realization that I'm okay with things going wrong but outside influences aren't and that's where the stress develops.
Anyways, I did this brilliant post, hit post...and it didn't work. Error.
And I laughed.


Blogger ...Jillie... said...

I HATE it when that happends.. you try to post.. and it doesn't..
actually is such a pain in the rump..

COMMENTING because I am once again off.. Living in Switzerland.. and you have always been a faithful commenter.

xoxo ciao

6/10/08 14:40  

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