Monday, October 23, 2006

Shakespeare's Magical Touch

Last year I experienced the joy, for the first time, of having to read Shakespeare on my own, in Julius Ceaser. Somehow it had this incredible influence on me whether I was watching the old school movie, or reading the book, I was able to fall asleep in seconds. Amazing. Not saying it's boring or anything...I mean I understood it. Recently we moved onto a classic, Macbeth, in English class. As of late I've felt very exhausted and had no time to catch up on my sleep. Therefore Shakespeare has worked his magical touch once again. Just now I was doing my homework, reading scenes I and II of Act 2. Believe it or not, I was down for the count. So I made myself a cup of hot chocolate (which is usually a gauranteed anti-sleep factor) and pushed on with heavy eyes. Afterwards, so that I understand what the heck is going on in the book, I read the side pages with the definitions, read the back scene summaries, and then googled it used spark notes to get an in depth look at the scenes. Oh man.
On the subject of sleep, I have been pondering for quite a while now whether or not I am a secret superhero. Secret to myself, and the world. Do not laugh guys...seriously...I was observing the positions I tend to sleep in the other night, and, well, I'd say they lead to my superhero conclusion...
Observe example one (disregard the extreme disproportionism). The extended arm is usually under my pillow. If you compare this with the traditional Superman flying pose, I would say we look like pretty good buddies.


Position two...
Once again showing no regard for the fact it is completely unproportionate, I think we can all see here I am not only a superhero, but a ninja superhero. Oh-snap. You heard me.

After considering my mind blowing superhero abilities I thought to myself - all superheroes need a weakness, do they not? It hit me then, Shakespeare is my weakness. However after being hit with that and knowing it puts me to sleep, do I not become a ninja superhero when I fall asleep? In conclusion, I am invincible. Thankyou.


Blogger Jaime said...

If I were a superhero Shakespeare would also be my weakness....along with chocolate. I can't resist chocolate; seriously if anyones offers, I can't say no.

23/10/06 19:15  
Blogger AfterVerner said...

Note to self, don't offer jamie chocolate. Okay. Macbeth hey? I'd have to say he is one of my favourite shakespearian people, right up there with Hamlet and Mercushio. Ack. Whatever his name was. He was cool. And sleep tranforms you into a ninja superhero? Sweet! Whip out the gravol with that shakespeare. :P

23/10/06 23:37  
Blogger Michelle said...

I love Shakespeare. I got to be Juliet in grade 9. Why because I was the only one who actually did my homework. Awesome...there are rewards for doing the right thing. Macbeth, however, was my least favorite play to read. His mom was a psyco. I'm glad I didn't marry into that family...they had issues. I'm glad to see that you're a superhero totally runs in the family! Dawn is one too...and me...well let's just say that I'm undercover. hee hee. Ps...I loved the stick-men drawings the best. They made me laugh

24/10/06 00:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauren, that is interesting. When you sleep you become a ninja superhero...I would say thats AWESOME! I understand skakespeare! I didn't need no help with Hamlet. I understood every word. I rock. I don't think Skaespeare is your weakness, I think your weakness is Starbucks. Starbucks is all you talked about while you were here. Oh well.


24/10/06 12:26  
Blogger Rae said...

i knew it!i bloody knew can know join me, andy and derek on our quest of blasting evil!HECK YES BABY!...

24/10/06 13:46  
Blogger white girl said...

Do you have a name for your superhero-ness, yet? You really need a name and a costume design.

You have mad skillz in the drawing of stick men department.

25/10/06 10:36  

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