Friday, February 24, 2006

Banana Mush Day

Alas, the time has come again, for Banana Mush! Where I talk about random stuff. Woowoo. All aboard the random train because I've had a lack of being random here.

See, here, people don't understand that girls can have fun, act crazy, and be random, without being wasted! Last time I was acting random and having fun, I was asked by several people how much I had drank that night. I found this completely hilarious cause everybody knows I'm the sober girl who acts as everybodys mother when everybody else gets wasted. Yeah, then I get to laugh at everybody when they ask me who they made out with, what they said, and who they phoned.

It's time for a segment of sorts. Here, I suck at understanding people with accents. I mean not all the time, but for the most part, I'm pretty good. There's certain words though, when answering a question, you make a fool of yourself, cause you're on a completely other topic. Here, I shall provide you with a list of words. First is the word they mean to say, the second word would be the word I hear...
Here Hair
Hobbies Hobbits
Stare Stay

Like Lake
Snow No
Kitchen Cajun
Dust Dissed
Age Ash
Weather Wither
These situations can be come very awkward. Such as being asked "What are your hobbies?" and my answer is suddenly "Well I don't exactly own any. I'm pretty sure they're not real. But if I had to choose one my favorite's Frodo. Sam's cool too though, the underdog kind of, don't you think?" My favorite is when I was told "I like that you're staying here today." Which in my mind comes out "I lake you staring at hair today". Is that like saying you like my hair? You want me to stare? You like your hair? I like my hair? I did my hair in the lake? I'm....OH! YOU LIKE THAT I'M HERE TODAY! Haha. It makes for brilliant conversation, really.

I miss Canada. Here, I have no brothers. No freedom. No anything. In canada? I could stay out till 4 in the morning, no questions asked. I was with who I wanted when I wanted. Life was mine for the taking. Here? I got yelled at for stepping outside the front gate at 7 to talk to one of my 7 friends last night. Kill me. Please. Apparently I'll get killed if I go anywhere. Downtown on Saturday some gang of people decided to go after girls in "inappropriate clothing." You know what that is? Shorts, skirts above the knee, slutty tops. They went after the girls dressed like this and stripped them IN PUBLIC. Yeah, cause, that really solved the problem kids. Thanking God I was not downtown on Saturday right now. That kind of thing is unheard of here though, which is good, so I can still wear my clothes haha. I'm just sort of sketchy about it now. Don't want to go walking around downtown naked, just not fashionable, you know? Today I had to take a different route to get to Lauren's because there was a riot at the university just down from our place. If you drive through there, especially if you're white, they will throw stones and roll your vehicle. Guess today just wasn't a good day to die. I just miss how normal, convienient and luxurious Canada is. Life there, is so fabulously lovely. It's not fair.

I really want our container. What's on the container you ask? 70% of my clothing, photos, MILK CHOCOLATE M&MS THAT DONT MELT IN THE MAIL, bedding, PILLOWS!!!, my matress which I've been without since October, paintings, make up, jewellery, LIFE. I'm on a permanent suitcase journey.

Our moving date for going to Lusaka is set. March 5/6 we move down there. I'm overjoyed because this is a city I'll actually be staying in my own house with my own stuff (as of April 6th, container day) and hopefully be able to make my own friends. I'm excited because this is a real city, it has malls, a bowling alley, super nice theatre, restaurants (more than one, PLURAL!! Kitwe only has like 2 decent ones), coffee shops, furniture stores, oh my gosh, it's a real city. Still nothing like Kelowna, but it's an African city. I'm bummed though because now, I won't have ANYBODY my age. My life here has consisted of being with Lauren, Alicia, and their connections. There? No connections. So it's like, lame city with friends, or best city in Zambia with no friends. Lame hey? I'm sure things will get better. Who wouldn't want to befriend a girl who can act drunk without alcohol?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wither hair we had a dissed of no. We just stared in the cajun on our ash and played with hobbits lake we do in canada.
Keep up the good posts, and keep your spirits up, soon you will be able to get your melted M&M's out of the container instead of the mail box! Then you can make chocolate banana mush! :)

24/2/06 10:28  
Blogger AfterVerner said...

I guess not having that container is like not having your luggage. That's a long time to not have your luggage. Of course you have enough stuff to get by, but....
You gave up all the comforts of Canada to go and help out the African people. That is truly amazing. Lots of weird stuff that would never happen here goes on there, eh? You have the full support of Werner and whoever else falls under that heading, my friend.

24/2/06 15:26  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waffle! Chin up dearest! You sound disheartened by your african adventures. we all miss you here waffle, and love you tons! Keep posting ,we'll keep reading! and don't let anything get you down because you are amazing and imagine the stories you'll be able to tell!!!!

26/2/06 17:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey laurence!

28/2/06 20:15  
Blogger ...Jillie... said...

Heyyyy Lauren, my sober awesome friend to the max. Keep up the spirits, and know that i'm praying for you! Definetly would be a bummer to be stripped in public.. even though it may be hot (the wither) not Hot.. like.. you knwo what i mean.. anywaysssss.. side tracked. OK! soo yeah! Solo tomorrow.. slightly nervous! Hope the Moving goes smooth as can be!! xoxo

28/2/06 22:51  

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