Saturday, May 13, 2006

Travelling...Jet Lag...Travelling...Future Jet Lag

Totally had this huge awesome post typed out, came back to the laptop, and it was gone. Yeah, I know, how lame.

Sean arrived Thursday morning at quarter to seven in the morning. He was making fun of us because we were all cold and he was warm. I swear, it really was cold. That day, the power was out from 9am-9:30pm. So we slept a bit and tanned in the morning, did a driving tour of Lusaka and some compounds, went to Rhapsody's for dinner. That night I took Sean on his first frog hunt, and I must say, he's pretty good. We got one, and I allowed him the honor of taking away it's life.

We watched a movie on my laptop until the power came back, but I'm convinced that jet lag is contagious. I was so tired at 9:30 I was nodding off, so I just went to bed. Friday we introduced Sean to our good frieds Murray and Judy, and that night we went to go see Mission Impossible 3. Today we went to Protea (game park with elephants and lions and cudu etc.) and hung out and ate food. When we came home I was sooo tired I decided to have a nap. That was at 2:45, I crashed right away, slept so deep I was dreaming, and didn't wake up until 5. What's wrong with me!? I can never sleep during the day! Tonight then we went out for dinner with Aunty Cheryl, and her visitor Jerrie. She gave me my birthday present, since I'll be in Victoria Falls on Tuesday. It was a chetenge with a woven purse and hat, along with some nice soap and chocolate! Loverly.

Tomorrow we leave for Victoria Falls, and we get back on Wednesday afternoon. Tuesday at 9:30am I'll be bungee jumping, so switch that to your time and say a prayer. I'll be sixteen on the sixteenth! And for those of you who love me enough to want to send me a text saying Happy Birthday, you can send it to +097189594. Yaaaaaaay.

Since I'm sort of tired of people always begging for the home arrival date, I've decided meh, why not just say. So, May 23rd we all fly out of Zambia. Dad and Sean fly out of London on the 24th, but unfortunately there was no room on that flight for mom and I, so we are forced to have a day of hanging out in London with Rae. On the 25th we fly back to Vancouver, and should arrive about 6:30 (any of you vancouverites wanna come welcome me to Canada?). That night we have to stay over night with my g-unit, and then if she's not up for driving (they'll have to drive Sean and Dad home the day before) we'll take the bus home.

So drop by and post a Happy Birthday comment on Tuesday! I'll try and get back to guys on Wednesday night about one of the EIGHT WONDERS OF THE WORLD. If I survive the jump. Love love


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dope first commenter....first off please be safe while you jump!.....i can't wait to see you lauren....i absulutely can't wait. we have to have an adevtnure first'll be crazy jet legged...but come on! its been 5 months....we have to ....11pm your me SHAPRE. love you

13/5/06 22:43  
Blogger Paul & Wanda Moores said...

Hey is that 6:30am or pm? We might be able to come see you!!

14/5/06 20:55  
Blogger AfterVerner said...

Yeah Happy birthday. Bungee jumping. You're crazy girl. haha. My birthday wouldnt be nearly as exciting, but pretty much the same chance of death... You'll be fine mate. And happy travels!!

14/5/06 22:30  
Blogger Michelle said...

Happy Birthday and happy jumping. I am excited that you get to live out your dream of jumping off a cliff and being pulled against gravity. Woo hoo. How exciting that Sean killed his first frog. What are you going to do with your puppies? I can't wait to see you. We can talk about your adventures. Have a safe trip and jump. Prayin' 4 ya.

15/5/06 21:12  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heck yes you get to spend the day with me!!please don't die bungee skipping University and spending £10 coming to see you in london town...we will feed squirrels in the park and visit the queen...lovely jubbly...cant wait to see you lady!MWAHHHHHHHH

16/5/06 03:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Your Birthday! Happy Birthday to ya! Happy Birthday to ya! Hey It's you Birthday! Hope you have a fun day!

16/5/06 06:37  

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