Monday, June 19, 2006

Exam season

"If you're out there, and you're having sex, you could get an STD" - Words of wisdom from Tyra Banks, super model and talk show host.

That really had nothing to do with this post.

As we all know, it is exam season. Oh, the joy. Look, even Levi's lookin stressed. Here's my schedule for the next week or so:
Tomorrow - SS final
Wednesday - Math final
Thursday - Science final
Friday - English provincial
Next Monday - Math provincial
Next Wednesday - Science provincial
Then the month from hell, for the most part, will be over. I also have to speak in a class at this elementary school the same day of my Science provincial, and will be babysitting random nights throughout this time. Oh boy, can't wait. So enough stress right? Apparently not. Saturday I found out that I had failed my math course for the year. Advice to young'ons? Don't go into Principles of Math 10 unless you're brilliant. This isn't why I'm mad however. I had asked to have my marks for Math by June 1st because I had everything handed in and needed to know my final percent so I could move it up if needed. So I left that with my teacher, and with everything going on around the time it kind of slipped my mind because well, there were fairly major things I had to deal with. This is only the first bit of frustration about the failing. Second, my teacher had not taken into account that I did half my course at the high school in Canada. So he fixes that, and then I had 39%, not much better right? I knew I sucked, but didn't realize I was this horrible. Now comes the third and most frustrating thing "You're missing 3 tests" "But I did all the tests you sent me...?" "Well, you're missing 3 and they count for 25% of your grade" "Umm I never got them then" "Oh haha, forgot to send them to you" HAHA MY ASS! Excuse the French. Idiot. I was sooo mad. Then I was told I will get marks taken off because they're late!!!!!!! THE UTTER AND COMPLETE OUTRAGE!!!!! So I spent 6 and a half hours last night, and an hour this morning working on these tests. Why did it take me so long? Because I wanted to make sure I did my absolute best on all 3 tests, by cheating of course! I didn't care at this point. So Daniel helped me out (friggin brilliant child), and I was talking to Richard on the phone later that night, and with his amazing mind he helped me out. Those lovely boys along with my textbook and notes got me truckin. So I go to tell my teacher this morning that I have all 3 handed in and completed. "Yeah I'll get to them today or tomorrow, you know, when I have time...and you can find your mark on the website." They're lucky it's online. If I could get my hands on these people....

Merry Exam Season Everybody! Merry exams to all and to all a stressful month!


Blogger AfterVerner said...

Does it really have to be stressful? I mean, you have plenty reason to be stressed. And most people become stressed around exam time. But I don't think it's all to bad. It is the end. It just kind of slowly declines into the summer. but yeah, Be exceelent to everyone, and rock on.

19/6/06 22:33  
Blogger Michelle said...

That teacher sucks!!! His bad? Your marks are lower than they could be because of him! I'm so stinkin' mad for you. I had a teacher in grade 8 that kept "losing" my work. So after doing the same assignment 5 times I went in, told her I had photocopied it just in case she "lost" it again. Then I told her to mark it. She said, oh I'll do it later. I was like, nope you're doing it now while I'm standing here. So she marked it. Then I told her to mark my mark in her book of grades so that she didn't "lose" the mark again. Oh she hated me, but I didn't care. I loved the book The Outsiders but seriously one can only do a book report on it 4 times without losing it! haha. I hope everything goes well with your exams and that everything works out with your math grade.

19/6/06 22:45  
Blogger Rae said...

you know that um-bop song i sent you?
Go dance to it now.
It is the key to stress relief i swear!
also...i promise you there is life after this..i swear to God it truly does exist!JUST KEEP SWIMMING!!! your old wise english bird my dear.
I heart you

20/6/06 14:56  
Blogger ...Jillie... said...

LAF.. maaan i totally feel you on the exam nonsense.. i had 4.. but you with 5.. ouch that cuts deep.. anyways.. i figure i should send you a little HELLO MY NOT SO AFRICAN FRIEND ANYMORE shout out.. and i have decided to return faithfully to posting on my blog as well.. its just been soo busy! Especially since i'm at camp now it shall hopefully come up with some crazy info to go in.. our else jsut my complaints of awful camp food. haha ciao darling still need to see you rpicures

23/6/06 07:59  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Levi, like the pro Skater Levi Brown. That Baby should be a skater....

26/6/06 14:22  
Blogger ...Jillie... said...

LAUREN. OH MY GIDDY GOODNESSS. did you do the math provincial?! Gahhh it was MAYHEM.. tre's difficile. Like.. soo hard.. or at least I thought soo. i was about to get up and stomp around with a little sign in protest.. HECK NO SHE WONT WRITE. yeah.. that didnt sound as cool as i thought it would.. but you get the dealio. ciao daaaawl

27/6/06 08:57  
Blogger ...Jillie... said...

HOLY MACKAREL. that is definetly a good reason to vent. FORGOT? my gosh.. how can you simply forget to send yoru students something! pffft.. soo scienceola tomorrow.. can't you come write it? lala its raaaaaining.. peace hun

27/6/06 17:06  

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